The Waste Management Section is responsible for regulating the collection, transportation, storage, treatment and disposal of:
- municipal solid wastes
- hazardous wastes
- special wastes e.g. asbestos
Major activities include:
- the development of environmental standards to support the provincial Waste Management Strategy for municipal solid waste
- management of the movement of hazardous and special wastes through registration of waste generators and licensing of transporters
- management of inventories of PCB wastes throughout the province
- regulation of waste management systems for farms and compost operations
- regulation of environmental industries including soil treatment facilities and metal recycling operations
Certificates of Approval
The Waste Management Section develops and administers Certificates of Approval related to the management of various types of waste materials. A Certificate of Approval consists of terms and conditions which regulate the collection, transportation, treatment and final disposal of these materials. This ensures that degradation of the environment does not occur and that the activities are in compliance with provincial environmental requirements.
The Waste Management Section maintains a list of active Certificates of Approval.
Any enquiries concerning the Certificate of Approval process can be forwarded to the Waste Management Section.
- Plastic Retail Bag Ban
- Waste Management
- Technical Support to Branch Offices
Guidance Documents
Note: all links below are PDFs and will open in a new window.
- Environmental Standards for Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Stations/Local Waste Management Facilities GD-PPD-046.4 (945 KB)
- Environmental Standards for Municipal Solid Waste Material Recovery Facilities (1 MB)
- Environmental Standards for Composting Facilities (622 KB)
- Environmental Standards for Construction and Demolition Waste Management Sites GD-PPD-050.3 (654 KB)
- Environmental Standards for Labrador Landfills GD-PPD-073 (264 KB)
- Closure of Non-containment Municipal Solid Waste Landfills/Waste Disposal Sites GD-PPD-062 (404 KB)
- Municipal Solid Waste Management and Public Education GD-PPD-057 (70 KB)
- Permanent Household Hazardous Waste Depots GD-PPD-59.3 (357 KB)
- General Environmental Standards Municipal Solid Waste Management Facilities/Systems GD-PPD-63.3 (1.02 MB)
- Appendix A – Financial Assurance and Insurance Requirements (11 KB)
- Appendix B – Typical Quality Control/Assurance Program (for landfills) (44 KB)
- Appendix C – Environmental Baseline and Monitoring (257 KB)
- Appendix D -Definitions for Waste Management Strategy Guidance Documents (35 KB)
- Appendix E – Useful links to waste management information (14 KB)
- Application processing approval inspection for bioremediation facilities (1.6 MB)
- Disposal of Fish, Shellfish and Fish Offal (1.7 MB)
- Guidelines for Waste Asphalt Reuse in New Pavement for Roadbed Construction of Paved Roads; and/or Storage and Final Disposal GD-PPD-008.2 (162 KB)
- Environmental Standards for Waste Management at Remote Camps (5.64 MB)
- Waste Disposal Approval (290 KB)
- Tire Storage Facilities (8 MB)
- Helium Balloon Release (1.2 MB)
- Leachable Toxic Waste (91 KB)
- Inspection Frequency Guide for Fixed and Mobile Facilities (354 KB)
- Environmental Protection Officer Training (1.3 MB)
- Asbestos Waste Disposal GD-PPD-33.1 (210 KB)
- Guide for the Disposal of Off the Road (OTR) Tires & Tire Material (88 KB)
- Management of Excavated Soils, Concrete Rubble and Dredged Materials (209 KB)
- International Waste Disposal (904 KB)
- Responsibilities Related to Municipal and ICI Waste GD-PPD-068 (691 KB)
- NORM Waste Management (5.49 MB)
- Landfill Bans, Special Wastes and Diversion Programs – GD-PPD-022.5 (742 KB)
- Disposal of Dead Animals (100 KB)
- Management of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Waste (BPW) (658 KB)
- Best Managment Practices for the Storage of Waste Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Waste (HDG/HW) at Business Sites (153 KB)
- Guidelines for Construction and Operation of Facilities Using Ex-Situ Bioremediation for the Treatment of Petroleum Contaminated Soil GD-PPD-13.4 (303 KB)
- Treated Wood Waste Disposal (146KB)
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