What information is available?
- Records include information about the holder or licensee’s name, the body of water used or diverted, the location and a brief description of water rights
- The Registry will be continuously updated to include new registrations as they are received.
- The Registry contains records of licences, amendments of licences, transfers, and suspensions or cancellations of licences.
How can I obtain information?
Please click here to view the Registry (2.0 MB)
Please click here to view web postings of Water Use Licences issued since 2016
Please click here to print an Water Use Licence application form
What is the value of information on existing registered rights?
Information provided here is intended to help raise the awareness of existing registered water users as well as new allocations of water use. This will help ensure better water use planning and management and avoidance of water use conflicts that may otherwise arise.
How much does it cost me to obtain information in the Registry?
Information in the Registry is provided free of charge for inspection by the general public.
What is the legislation?
The Water Resources Act states the Minister may establish a Registry of Water Rights. Please click here to view the Act.
Was there a call for registration of existing rights?
Yes. In July 2003, a call for registration was published in all newspapers, CWRA Water News, CWWA Bulletin and has been posted on our web site. Please click here to view our Call for Registration of Existing Rights.
How can I register my water rights?
If you are presently holding valid rights under an Act, grant, lease, licence or other instrument, please register with us by sending a copy of supporting documentation.
How about if I am using or diverting water without valid rights?
Please contact the Water Rights, Investigations, and Modelling Section at waterinvestigations@gov.nl.ca
An application form will be sent to you so that you can apply for a water use licence OR Please click here to print an application form.
How can I get more information?
Please write to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment at:
Water Rights, Investigations, and Modelling Section
Water Resources Management Division
Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment
P.O. Box 8700
St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6
Email: waterinvestigations@gov.nl.ca
How can I report a discrepancy in the information posted in the Registry on my water rights?
Please contact us using the information shown above.
For additional information on this topic or any other water resources related topics please contact us
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