The 4-12 Core French program provides students with the opportunity to acquire a functional knowledge of French as a second language. Topics and themes are chosen to facilitate language acquisition and promote an appreciation for cultural diversity. Students engage in authentic tasks which focus on oral production, oral interaction, reading and viewing, and writing and representing.
The program is designed to be inclusive and accessible to a broad range of learners. A variety of instructional strategies and assessment techniques ensure that all students can meet with success in the Core French Program.
Elementary Core French
In the Elementary Core French program language experiences are organized around familiar themes. While approximately 80% of class time is devoted to listening, speaking, and oral interaction, students are also provided with opportunities to read and write in French.
The topics included in this program are:
- friends, family, self
- hobbies, interests, sports, adventures
- school, community
- holidays, celebrations, calendar
- health, food, nutrition
- music, arts, technology
- animals, pets, nature, environment, weather, seasons
These topics are presented in a thematic approach. High frequency items including numbers, classroom expressions, colours, and greetings are incorporated into the routine management and daily activities of the classroom.
Related Documents
- Core French 4 (2023)
- Core French 5 (2024) – Access via the eNLightenED platform Educators / Public
- Curriculum Guide 6 (2002)
- Resource List (2022)
Grade 6 Intensive Core French
Intensive Core French is an enrichment of the Core French program. The Grade 6 schedule is modified to allocate a minimum of 60% of the instructional day during half of the school year to Intensive Core French.
Students participate in a language development program, emphasizing listening, speaking, oral interaction, reading and viewing, writing and representing. Topics include:
- family, friends
- hobbies, music, arts
- animals, environment, seasons
- school, community
- holidays, special events, celebrations, calendar
- health, nutrition, sports
- travel
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Intermediate Core French
The intermediate Core French program helps students develop proficiency in oral language and learn about Francophone culture. In skill development, major emphasis is accorded to listening, speaking, and oral interaction. Reading and writing are also important and serve to reinforce listening and speaking skills. Topics include:
- family and home
- school
- leisure
- holidays and travel
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High School
The High School Core French Program enables students to develop second language proficiency through the purposeful use of language. Students engage in authentic tasks with a focus on oral production, oral interaction, reading and viewing, and writing and representing.
Core French 1200
Topics include:
- adolescent Life
- travel
- the world around me
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Core French 2200
Topics include:
- the influence of the arts
- critical awareness of cultural production
- performance tasks in the areas of dance and movement, drama, theatre and cinema, music, and visual art
- the relationship between the arts, society, and the physical environment
- the role of technology in creating and responding to expressive works
- the relationship between artistic intent and the expressive work
- creative and critical response to expressive works
- value of personal creative expression
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Core French 3200
Topics include:
- planning for success
- entertainment
- imagination
- wellness
- global issues
- cultural diversity
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