The Adult Basic Education (ABE) program was designed to give adults an opportunity to complete their high school education. ABE is offered at the College of the North Atlantic and at approved Private Training Institutions.
Students that are a minimum of one year beyond the school-leaving age, are out of school for at least one year and need six or fewer credits to graduate may transfer credits from the ABE program back to High School, where equivalencies exist.
Over the past few years, significant changes have taken place in the High School curriculum. New programs in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies are currently being implemented. As well a number of courses are no longer offered.
As of September 2004 there will be more courses de-listed from the high school curriculum that currently have “equivalencies” in the ABE system. As these courses are de-listed from the high school system, a transfer from the ABE system to receive credit for these courses is no longer possible.
The courses which now have “equivalencies” that will no longer exist as of September 2004 are:
IG 3215 (Family Living 2200)
IS 3213 (Physical Science 2205)
There is some work being done on revising the ABE curriculum to bring it back in line with the current high school curriculum. As this progresses the relevant ABE institutions will be notified.
Listed below are the only courses that have a straight forward “equivalency” transfer from ABE to the high school system. When these are transferred a student receives credit for the course but no mark.
ABE Course | Potential High School Transfer |
IC 3220 Canadian Literature | Canadian Literature 2204 |
IC 3219 NFLD Literature | Folk Literature 3203 |
IE 3211 Consumer Studies | Consumer Studies 1202 |
IG 3112 Phys Ed. | Phys. Ed. 1100 |
IG 3114 Canadian Issues | Canadian Issues 1209 |
IG 3119 Canadian Law | Canadian Law 2104 |
IS 3214 Environmental Science | Environmental Science 3205 |
IG 3221 Human Geography | World Geography 3200 |
Although these are the only courses that still meet eligible transfer status, there are cases where students, who need credits other than those specified, can be accommodated. These need to be dealt with on an individual basis and as the high school curriculum continues to change these are becoming increasingly difficult to accommodate.
It is important to note the following:
A concerted effort will be made to accommodate, where possible, students who are eligible to transfer credits back into the High School system (i.e., students who require fewer than 6 credits, are a minimum of one year beyond the school-leaving age, and are out of school for at least one full year).
Institutes offering the ABE program are asked to check with the Manager of High School Certification for consultation on a student by student basis. This is the best way to ensure each student is working on a program that will be eligible for transfer.
With regards to this there are several points to consider:
(i) Credit will NOT be awarded for courses in which there is now a Public Examination. The relevant ABE course(s) may be completed by eligible students as preparation for the student to write a public examination as a 100% exam. Again it is best to check with the Manager of High School Certification for prior approval for this.
(ii) Credit will NOT be awarded for a course for which the student already has the equivalent high school course completed.
Example: A student who already has credit for Consumer Studies 1202 on his/her transcript, cannot transfer back credit received for IE 3211 Consumer Studies
(iii) Credit will NOT be awarded for a course that violates the mandatory sequencing, which exists for some High School courses.
Any potential problems with the above noted restrictions can easily be avoided by adhering to a “prior approval” policy.
For further information please contact Mr. Bob Gardiner, Manager of High School Certification, Department of Education at
(709) 729-6261 or via email at