Recovery Centre
The Recovery Centre is a 19-bed provincial inpatient withdrawal management service located in Building 532, Pleasantville. The service is available to anyone 16 years and older, who is intoxicated or experiencing withdrawal from alcohol, and drugs. Admissions can be self-referrals or through hospital emergency units, health professionals and community agencies. The length of stay is determined by individual need.
The program focuses on stabilizing individual’s physical and psychological health through the withdrawal process. An Addictions Counsellor is available to meet with clients of the Recovery Centre for assessment, crisis counselling and discharge planning purposes. Clients also have access to in-house education and group sessions, as well as, onsite self-help meetings. The non-threatening, non-judgmental environment encourages clients to begin a recovery process.
To get started (you don’t need a referral, but you do need to call yourself):
- Call us at 709-752-4980 or 1-877-752-4980. We will ask you some questions over the phone to make sure we are the best service for you. If we are the right service, we will offer you a bed usually within 24 hours.
Humberwood Treatment Centre
Humberwood is a live-in, non-medical treatment Centre located in Corner Brook. If you are a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador and over the age of 19, Humberwood may be able to help with your drug, alcohol and/or gambling concerns.
Humberwood offers a structured program that focuses on your needs through individual, group and family counselling. There are private rooms and the usual stay is 21 days.
Most people go to counselling or other programs first, but if you feel that you need residential services, ask your physician, nurse or counsellor about Humberwood. They can assist with a referral if Humberwood is right for you.
For more information:
- Call 709-634-4506
- Click on:
See also:
The Grace Centre, Harbour Grace
Recovery Centre, St. John’s
The Grace Centre
The Grace Centre is a live-in addiction treatment Centre located in Harbour Grace. If you are a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador and over the age of 18, The Grace Centre may be able to help with your drug and/or alcohol concern.
The Grace Centre offers a structured program that focuses on your needs through individual, group and family counselling. There are 18 private rooms and the usual stay is 28 days.
Most people go to counselling or other programs first, but if you feel that you need residential services, ask your physician, nurse or counsellor about The Grace Centre. They can assist with a referral if The Grace Centre is right for you.
To learn more:
- Video Tour
- Brochure (pdf, 2016)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Client Handbook
- Photo Gallery
- Telephone: 709-945-4500
See also:
Recovery Centre, St. John’s
Humberwood, Corner Brook
Tuckamore Treatment Centre
Tuckamore is a live-in treatment Centre for 12 – 18 year olds in the Newfoundland and Labrador who have complex mental health concerns.
Tuckamore is located in Paradise and the average length of stay for young people is between 6 – 12 months. The program includes individual, group and family counselling as well as life skills training, recreation, and art and music therapy. Tuckamore provides a safe home-like environment, a school area, a multipurpose room, a physical fitness area and an apartment for family visiting overnight.
You can also ask your physician, nurse, clinician or social worker about other supports for youth in your area (ie. counselling). If Tuckamore is right for you, they can help with a referral.
For more information:
- Video
- Brochure: Youth Treatment Centre Brochure (2014)
- Call 709-752-3914
Hope Valley Treatment Centre
Hope Valley is a live-in treatment center for 12-18 year olds in the province who are concerned about their drug or alcohol use.
Hope Valley is located in Grand Falls-Windsor and the average stay is 3-4 months. The Centre houses up to 12 youth and provides a variety of services such as detox, counselling, schooling and life skills training.
Please discuss Hope Valley with your health care provider or contact us at 709-292-8360 to help decide if this service is right for you or a loved one.
Charles J. Andrew Youth And Family Treatment Centre
The Centre is a ten-bed residential youth and family healing centre located in Sheshatshiu, Labrador. It serves Innu, Inuit, and First Nations youth and families from Atlantic Canada and across Canada. The Centre is an accredited facility with certified, trained staff.
Their mission is to empower indigenous families through the provision of a Holistic Healing Program. The program is strongly influenced by traditional indigenous values, beliefs and practices through spirituality and a reconnection to the Land.
For more information, please see
Out of Province Treatment Policy
The Department of Health and Community Services has guidelines for the application process of Out-of-Province (OOP) addictions treatment and specialized mental health services. Treatment options within the province must first be fully utilized and/or deemed not appropriate to meet specific client needs before funding approval for out-of-province treatment is provided.
For more information please refer to the Out-of-Province Treatment Guidelines (307 KB)