Business Analysis

The Business Analysis Division (“the Division”) is responsible for the assessment and monitoring of funding proposals and agreements associated with large-scale and special projects, and for providing business and financial advisory support regarding the consideration and development of such projects. This includes the assessment of proposals and applications submitted for funding to the Investment Attraction Fund and the Job Accelerator and Growth Program, as well as the assessment of significant projects led by other IET divisions and government departments. As part of this work the Division negotiates and monitors the implementation of funding agreements on behalf of IET and government.

The Division is also responsible for providing operational support to the Innovation, Business and Investment Corporation. This includes the provision of accounting services, financial monitoring of payments and claims for approved projects, and engaging in collections on the Corporation’s behalf.

The Division is also responsible for the assessment of applications under the Harvester Enterprise Loan Program, and in this regard works in consultation with the Department of Finance, which provides the loan guarantees. The Division also provides operational support to and monitors other Crown corporations, specifically, Newfoundland Hardwoods Limited and the Newfoundland and Labrador Immigrant Investor Fund Limited.


Taylor Parsons
(709) 729-7108