A Neoproterozoic Age for Granodiorite Underlying Rogerson Lake Conglomerate: Confirmed Ganderian Basement in the Wilding Lake Area, Central Newfoundland Gold District
I.W. Honsberger, W. Bleeker, S.L. Kamo, D.T.W. Evans and H.A.I. Sandeman
St. John’s, Newfoundland, May, 2019
We report a high-precision CA-ID-TIMS U–Pb zircon crystallization age of 565.0 ± 2.3 Ma for a previously undated granodiorite sample from drillcore on Antler Gold’s Wilding Lake property in central Newfoundland. The timing of the granodiorite intrusion overlaps, within error, the emplacement of magmatic rocks of the Neoproterozoic Crippleback Intrusive Suite, including the gold-mineralized Valentine Lake pluton. Such a correlation confirms that the highly prospective crustal-scale Valentine Lake fault zone, and its northeastern extension, cuts Ganderian basement, and further highlights similarities along strike between the Valentine Lake and Wilding Lake areas.
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