- Purpose
- Environmental Assessment – A Guide to the Process
- EA Guidance for Onshore Wind Energy Generation and Green Hydrogen Production Projects
- Legislation
- Environmental Assessment Review – “What We Heard”
- Fees
- Projects
- Public Notices
- Links
- Contact Information
Purpose of Environmental Assessment
The Environmental Protection Act states that the purpose of environmental assessment is to “protect the environment and quality of life of the people of the province; and facilitate the wise management of the natural resources of the province”. It requires anyone who plans a project that could have a significant effect on the natural, social or economic environment to present the project for examination.
The environmental assessment process ensures that projects proceed in an environmentally acceptable manner. When the potential environmental effects of projects are of concern, the process generates real benefits by: (i) providing for comprehensive project planning and design, (ii) maximizing environmental protection, (iii) enhancing government coordination, accountability and information exchange, and (iv) facilitating permitting and regulatory approval of projects.
The Environmental Assessment Division of the Department of Environment and Climate Change administers the process including:
- consulting at every stage with interested government departments and the public
- evaluating submissions by proponents and reviewers
- advising the Minister on potential environmental effects prior to decisions
- monitoring released projects to ensure compliance and effectiveness of mitigation
A Guide to the Process
A booklet which summarizes information on the environmental assessment process in Newfoundland and Labrador. It is not to be considered a final authority or legal document. For further information or explanation, readers are advised to refer to the Environmental Protection Act and Regulations or contact the Department.
Environmental Assessment – A Guide to the Process (614 KB)
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