The importance of reading as a family and participating in literacy-related activities are being celebrated as the Provincial Government recognizes today as National Family Literacy Day.
Family Literacy Day is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 and held annually on January 27 to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging as a family in other literacy-related activities. Some schools in the province are also celebrating Family Literacy Week 2020, which also focuses on families reading together.
The Provincial Government has invested in a variety of literacy initiatives that focus on early learning. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development provides support to public libraries, family resource centres, child care centres and family child care homes. A K-12 literacy plan, Learning for a Lifetime and Parent Resource Kits that encourage learning at home are also available to families.
To date, through the Education Action Plan, the number of early learning and literacy resources in schools has increased, including 48 new reading specialists, 100 teaching and learning assistants, and 26 additional teacher-librarians. Overall, 350 teacher resources are being added over a three year period to ensure students have access to the supports they need.
In October 2019, the Provincial Government launched The Way Forward on Adult Literacy, a five-year action plan to help adult Newfoundlanders and Labradorians get the literacy skills they need to lead healthier, more productive lives and fully participate in the province’s economy. Supported by $60 million in funding over five years, the Adult Literacy Plan identifies 30 actions the Provincial Government and its partners will take to provide adult learners with increased opportunities to strengthen their literacy skills by improving the province’s adult literacy system. The plan was developed based upon engagement with key stakeholders such as adult learners, adult literacy service providers, Indigenous groups, community organizations, industry, labour, and post-secondary education institutions. To view the complete plan, visit The Way Forward on Adult Literacy.
“Reading and participating in learning activities are essential for children to become successful in school and in their journey through life. Adult support and a strong foundation at home contributes to a child’s success in school. Reading together is an opportunity to strengthen relationships among family members and encourage lifelong teaching. Today and every day, I encourage students, educators and families throughout Newfoundland and Labrador to take the time to read and learn together.”
Honourable Brian Warr
Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development
“This Family Literacy Day, I look forward to continuing our government’s efforts to help make sure Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have the opportunity to acquire and enhance their literacy skills. While we often think of literacy as reading and writing, literacy skills are so much more. Strong literacy skills enable us to learn, create, and communicate. Literacy includes essential skills that directly impact our ability to find, understand, and collaborate using printed and written materials in different situations. This is why The Way Forward on Adult Literacy is crucial not only to helping individuals and their families achieve their goals, but to building an even stronger workforce and growing the economy.”
Honourable Chris Mitchelmore
Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Labour
“Literacy is a key component of student learning and is the foundation of the work we do daily in all areas of the curriculum. On this day, we are all encouraged to set an example for students by modelling and sharing our genuine interest in not only books, but other types of media as well, like magazines, graphic novels, newspapers, blogs and online texts and more. The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District is pleased to support Family Literacy Day, and promote the importance of literacy in every aspect of life.”
Tony Stack
CEO/Director of Education, Newfoundland and Labrador English School District
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Learn more
ABC Literacy Canada
The Way Forward on Adult Literacy.
Follow us on Twitter: @GovNL, and @EDU_GovNL, @AESL_GovNL and @NLESDCA
Media contacts
Tina Coffey
Education and Early Childhood Development
709-729-1906, 687-9903
Ryan Crocker
Advanced Education, Skills and Labour
709-729-1795, 725-9595
Cheryl A. Gullage
Newfoundland and Labrador English School District
709-758-0032, 697-5856