In advance of the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women on December 6th, Atlantic Premiers have formally established the Atlantic Domestic Homicide Review Network to help prevent domestic homicides – the first regional review network of its kind in Canada. Members of the Network have now been appointed by the Premier of each Atlantic province.
Domestic violence and domestic homicide are gendered crimes in which the majority of victims are women. Understanding the context in which domestic homicides occur in Atlantic Canada is critical to the development of preventative measures that are aligned with the region’s unique culture.
Reviewing these deaths recognizes that many are preventable and may require different system responses and community supports. Each province has its own unique systems for how to respond, prevent and learn from deaths when they occur.
The Network will enhance information sharing, ensure joint consideration of existing system responses and prevention efforts, as well as learn and identify best practices, and areas for improvement and collaboration across the region. The Network will apply a human rights-based approach to its work and ensure that the specific needs of higher risk and marginalized populations including Indigenous, persons with disabilities, racialized and 2SLGBTQQIA are reflected in its work.
The four governments are committed to ending all forms of gender-based violence. The Network will begin work immediately to help the Atlantic provinces enhance prevention efforts and improve responses.
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Media contacts
Meghan McCabe
Office of the Premier, Newfoundland and Labrador
Nicolle Carlin
Office of the Premier, New Brunswick
Kristina Shannon
Office of the Premier, Nova Scotia
Amanda Hamel
Office of the Premier, Prince Edward Island,