Environmental Assessment Bulletin

  • Municipal Affairs and Environment

July 16, 2020

The Honourable Derrick Bragg, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Environment, has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.


CBPP Zone 5, District 10 Five-Year Operating Plan             (Reg. 2092)
Proponent: Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited

The proponent has submitted a proposal for a Five-Year Operating Plan for Zone 5 in Forest Management District 10 in Central Newfoundland. Zone 5 extends from Victoria Lake in the west to the Bay D’Espoir Highway in the east, and from Island Pond in the south to North and South Twin Lakes in the north. The operating plan describes proposed timber harvesting operations, primary resource road construction, silviculture, and other forest management activities. The plan covers the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2025.

The undertaking was registered on July 15, 2020; the deadline for public comments is August 20, 2020; and the minister’s decision is due by August 29, 2020.


Twillingate Marina                          (Reg. 2077)
Proponent: Ocean Side Cabins Inc.

The project is released subject to the following conditions:

  • The proponent is required to uphold all commitments made in the environmental assessment submission to mitigate the effects of the project on the environment.
  • The proponent is required to update the Environmental Assessment Division on the status of the project, including a copy of all  permits, licences, certificates, approvals and other authorizations required for the project, one year from the date of this release letter and to provide additional updates if required by the Environmental Assessment Division.

Learn more
Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6

Public comments may be forwarded to: EAprojectcomments@gov.nl.ca

Environmental assessment information: nl.tr.jit-tr.com/mae/env-assessment/

Follow us on Twitter: @GovNL and @MAE_GovNL

Media contact
Lynn Robinson
Municipal Affairs and Environment

2020 07 16 3:56 pm