The Honourable Derrick Bragg, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Environment, has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Corner Brook Quarry (Reg. 2096)
Proponent: Edward Collins Contracting Limited
The proponent is proposing to develop a 2.9 hectare rock and gravel quarry as a source of coarse aggregate material to be used in an adjacent contaminated soil treatment facility. The quarry is located 350 metres west of Norman’s Pond within the municipal boundaries for Corner Brook. The development will include vegetation clearing, grubbing and stockpiling of material on site. The operation of this project includes drilling, blasting and ripping of surficial aggregate resources.
The undertaking was registered on August 5, 2020; the deadline for public comments is September 10, 2020; and the minister’s decision is due by September 19, 2020.
St. Catherine’s Cottage Lot Development
Proponent: Jerome Power Contracting Ltd. (Reg. 2078)
The project was released subject to the following conditions:
- The proponent is required to uphold all commitments made in the environmental assessment submission to mitigate the effects of the project on the environment.
- A minimum 30-metre undisturbed buffer is required along all waterbodies and wetlands that appear on a 1:50,000 topo map to protect sensitive riparian and aquatic species, and their habitat. This buffer requirement should be included as a part of future cottage lot sales agreements.
- No vegetation clearing is to occur within 800 metres of a bald eagle or osprey nest during the nesting season (March 15 to July 31) and 200 metres during the remainder of the year. The 200-metre buffer also applies to all other raptor nests (e.g. Northern Goshawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Merlin, American Kestrel, Great-horned Owl, Boreal Owl, Northern Saw-whet Owl). The location of any raptor nest site must be reported to the Wildlife Division of the Department of Fisheries and Land Resources.
- The proponent is required to advise the Environmental Assessment Division when the conditions of release have been met, by emailing a written description, documents, and images (where applicable) to demonstrate that the conditions have been fulfilled to
- The proponent is required to update the Environmental Assessment Division on the status of the project, including a copy of all permits, licenses, certificates, approvals and other authorizations required for the project, one year from the date of this release letter and to provide additional updates if requested. Project updates should be emailed to
Learn more
Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6
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Media contact
Lynn Robinson
Municipal Affairs and Environment