The airports in Newfoundland and Labrador are owned and operated by either independent airport authorities or the Government of Canada and regulated by the Government of Canada.
Airports Serving Newfoundland and Labrador
Note: Airports are listed geographically from East to West.
- St. John’s International Airport
- Gander International Airport
- Deer Lake Regional Airport
- Stephenville International Airport
- St. Anthony Airport
- Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon Airport (in Quebec)
- Goose Bay Airport
- Churchill Falls
- Wabush Airport
The province is responsible for 12 community airstrips in coastal Labrador and eight on the Island portion of the Province. The province also operates the airstrip in Natuashish on behalf of the Mushuau Innu First Nation.
Please note: As of September 1, 2015, a $40 landing and terminal building fee will be implemented for all commercial aircraft landing at the 12 provincially-owned airstrips in Labrador. The $40 fee will be applied per landing to aircraft operators. Be advised that the fee will not be implemented at the airstrip in Natuashish, as it is owned by the Mushuau Innu First Nation.
Labrador Airstrips
- Nain
- Natuashish (on behalf of the Mushuau Innu First Nation)
- Hopedale
- Postville
- Makkovik
- Rigolet
- Cartwright
- Black Tickle
- Charlottetown
- Port Hope Simpson
- William’s Harbour
- St. Lewis
- Mary’s Harbour
Island Airstrips
(No Scheduled Service)
- Bell Island
- Clarenville
- Winterland
- Fogo
- Exploits Valley
- Springdale
- Port au Choix
- St. Andrews